Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sweet dreams........

No, not you puss. Out you go.

Craig just poked his head into Kate's room and found puss all snuggled up (albeit hogging the bed). Come 3 in the morning though he'll end up waking her because he needs to go to the toilet. Like he usually wakes Craig when he's home. hehe. And it's not a nice wakeup. He jumps onto Craig's chest on all fours somehow from the floor up onto the bed. I don't know how he does it, but Craig wakes up and there he is, staring him right in the face. He doesn't do it when Craig's away. All I get are loud meows. Not sure I could handle having a face staring back at me like that at 3am.

1 comment:

Wilson Clan said...

That is a gorgeous cat! My mom house sat for an old couple once that had a cat that would do that. I'd wake up and he'd be on my chest just staring at me, it would freak me out! He'd purr though and eventually I realized he wasn't going to eat me or anything, but it's not fun getting woke up like that. lol