Friday, September 15, 2006

Spring is here!

Finally we had a nice day yesterday. Craig has been itching to get back out into the boat and suggested we head out off Hillarys to give the engine a run. So he headed down to the marina to put the boat in whilst I picked up Kate from school and meet him down there. Her friend Emma wanted to come too, and when Emma's brother heard she was going for a ride, of course he wanted to come too, The more the merrier :) No time to get changed, we wanted to get down and back before sunset so they went straight in their uniforms where I had fairy bread ready to go for afternoon tea. The kids had a fantastic time. It was a bit choppy offshore but inside the marina itself was nice and calm so we let the kids all have a drive. Beats homework!

1 comment:

Wilson Clan said...

What a great time. Have you noticed that are losing a lot of their little kid looks. Jake is looking so big lately too.

Fairy bread sounds cool, what is that?