This is what I heard from both of them after an hour at the park Sunday afternoon. Kate and Emma had spent practically the whole weekend together, until Kate chickened out of a sleepover at Emma's place Saturday night, and Craig and I had to leave a bbq at around 9pm to go and pick her up, as she'd changed her mind. I told Emma to come over Sunday to have breakfast with us, pj's and all. The girls had so much fun. She turned up 7.30am Sunday and snuggled into bed with Kate for a couple of minutes, then we all got up and had pancakes.
Went to the marina to buy icecream and then fudge, then drove out to see Gary, Lucy and the boys working on the skirting boards in their investment property, which is just around the corner from where our new place is being built. The girls had fun digging in the sand on the empty land next door. Then I took 4 kids to the markets and got my fruit and veges and some cakes for afternoon tea. Afterwards, I left Craig to stay and help and took the girls to see how the house was coming along and then to the park next door. They spent most of the time on that twirly thing, and then wanted to go to another park, which we did. Uh oh, it had the same twirly thing. Of course, the girls thought it was so much fun. I saw it was 4.30 and almost time for Emma to go home, but they wanted to have a quick play back at our place before I took Emma home, so I told them we had to leave, and it was very quiet in the back seat. (unusual for two 6 year old girls). I asked them if they were ok, but both said they weren't feeling well.
Raced home, and Emma had her head in the toilet crying for her poor mum :( Luckily home is only around the corner, so into the car again we went. I felt so bad taking her home like that. Once home I think she was a little better (mums have that effect) and wanted Kate to have a little play before we went home, but Kate wasn't feeling well either. So at 5.30 I had her bathed, in her pj's and with panadol. Early night for us.
1 comment:
Do you think the twirling and being in the back of the far made her dizzy? That stinks. Glad they had phone though.
Something is going around here because I got sick terrible last week and the kids got sick too. I'm so behind on my blogging. Grrr.
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