Tuesday, February 20, 2007

More school work

Just for daddy to see..

Love this photo

Kaitlyn got this pic last week from a birthday party she went to over the school holidays. I just love it.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Latest house pics

Guess who took most of the pics? Yep, Kate; self portrait girl hehe.

Kate discovers self portraits

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dear God...

If You could only spare the time To let my pet lie down beside Your feet, If You could pat her head and let her in Or send an angel to the gate to meet her when she comes, lost and forlorn; If you could help in any way, I would be glad For she had never been alone until today, And even in Heaven, I know she will be sad Without my voice to chase her fears away. She'll miss our reassuring hand upon her head. You see, we were inseparable, and now she will not understand this being dead. I do not understand it well, myself. o please, dear God, give her a place to wait Through the long years, a patient ghost, Until the day I meet her at Your gate.

- Author Unknown

Monday, February 12, 2007

Guess what!?

We got an offer on the house! We've sold it!!!!
And somehow got more than our asking price too :)

Click here then search for property number 2229806

Monday, February 05, 2007

Kate's worksheet

Kaitlyn. Week 1 school. Year 2. "mummy, year 2 is soooo much easier than year1". (I'll get back to you later in the year to let you know if she's still saying that, haha).

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sunday house pics

Went in today to see what's new. Looks like tiles all grouted and first coat of paint on the outside.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

I think this one's for the Grandparents only....

You've been warned. It's a huge file of Kate and kids just dancing.(and if you decide to watch, then just ignore the silly drunk woman you can hear, she's discovered Margaritas)

Random Holiday Shots.....

Here's some pics taken over the break.

Australia Day!

We had a great Australia Day. Plenty of fun. Stinking hot day, and there was a fire on the other side of the estuary which is why some of the pics look a bit hazy. All the ash was making it's way over.

Where do I start?

Ok, the house. Maybe some of you want to see where it's up to. Here are the latest pics :) Not far away from being finished now.