Been busy here. It's coming up to the end of the school year for us. Ends here on the 8th December, so I'm trying to rush around at work organising stuff so it runs ok while I'm not there, as well as trying to get the house organised to survive without anyone living in it over the summer. Craig's home Saturday (YAY), then his mum and dad are flying in Monday morning. Thing'll be a little rushed, but hey, it'll be fun. Here are the latest pics on the house. Greycoat's done on the walls and the ceiling guys started this week. So we're waiting on ceilings and plastering then we should be at lockup. (then the slow bit starts.... kitchen, bathrooms.......etc)
Mum got back today so I've gotten some of her pics from Queensland to post. I can't find one though of the whole family together in the big pic, so if anyone has it can you email me? ta, Bin xxxx
Last Friday I decided to host a "Girls night in" to try and raise money for research and support for women's breast cancer and gynaecological cancers. Just invited the mums from Kaitlyn's class at school and we didn't finish until 1am. Where did the time go?! It was such a great night, just a bunch of girls laughing and talking, and to top it off we raised just over $110-
We had a great time in Queensland, the weather was gorgeous. Kate was overwhelmed by how much family my mum's side has. My grandad was in tears when we all surprised him on the Saturday for his 80th birthday. We had sack races, flour bomb fights, limbo, you name it we did it! My aunty Kaye organised this starting over a year ago, and it was all organised for the week before her wedding! argh! I couldn't have done it.