Monday, October 30, 2006

Leeanne's 40th

Leaane's 40th was Saturday night (one of the mum's from school)great night, and there was a pig on the spit! I haven't had one of those since I was a kid! omg people were pulling the crackling off as the poor thing was still cooking. Someone even picked off it's tongue and ate it and also it's snout. ew. Have I ever told you I hate pork? (yet still eat ham, bacon, salami) go figure.

Kate at the school disco.....

Yet another school disco for the school. Where else can you take kids these days for 4 bucks and they have an absolute ball?

The roof is almost done.......

Well the frame is almost up then I guess we wait for the roof tilers to come :)

Monday, October 23, 2006


Yay! Uncle Tony and Aunty Bec are pregnant! Kaitlyn is very excited with the news and telling EVERYONE that will listen that she's having a cousin. I heard her friend say to her yesterday,
"Oh you're SO lucky, you get to have a new puppy AND a new cousin".
When Kate asked if it was a boy or girl I explained it was too little to have it's 'bits' yet. That drew a very confused look, so I had to show her just what an embryo looks like at 7 weeks. Not sure that helped though. This will be a great learning experience for her to see the pictures in our book as the pregnancy progresses.


Sunday, October 22, 2006

New photos of Sally

We went to visit Sally on the way home from the van this weekend. She's gotten so big now. And so much cuter!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The bricks are up.

Next stage will be the roof! (Ignore the brickwork, it's not that neat, since it's going to be rendered)

Pics from the van.......

No idea why I didn't think to take any outside ones. We had gorgeous spring weather. oh well... here are the few I took anyway...

The Perth Royal Show

Kate and I went to the Royal Show. I didn't get many photos but here are a couple. One is of her 'petting' a port jackson shark which 'felt like a cats tongue'

Kaitlyn on the ski biscuit

Kate's first time on the ski biscuit.... Friday, 29th September, 2006. (some other pics included that were taken on the day, too)

Monday, October 16, 2006

We're back!

School holidays just go by too fast. Two weeks just isn't enough. Of course we went down to the van. Craig, Kate and I went down a day before school ended just to spend some 'family time' alone before everyone else arrived down there over the weekend. It was nice. Kaitlyn even got on the ski biscuit! Got some nice pics before Craig went back on the first Sunday of the holidays. Then Kate and I went to the Royal Show, then we headed back down to the van until Sunday just gone. The house is coming along..... all the brickwork is now done. Busy day today though, I thought there wouldn't need much doing, but just vacuuming and dusting and washing seem to be taking my time. School starts back tomorrow (Tuesday) I'll be lonely again :(
anyway.... that's all from us, I'll post some entries with all the pics.